Capitalist war, warrior capitalism and war on war
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This essay deals with the contemporary relationship between capitalism and war, with reference to the current geopolitical contingency and part of the debate raised around it, especially within the Marxist thinking. In particular, the target of our positively polemical attempt, here, is that economicistic approach tending to read the situation of exasperated international conflict that has exploded in recent years, mainly as the effect mechanically triggered by the new financial imbalances that have matured among the main countries in the world. We will argue how such an approach, besides producing highly contestable heuristic results, determines the narrowing of critical political perspectives which would be oriented toward greater social and global justice, and its dangerous adherence to the propaganda elaborated by the main Western. In a subsequent part of the text, we will look at some reflections developed by Mario Tronti on the topic of the autonomy of the political, which importance consists of their function as a reminder of the future: that is, of that space between the economic and the political, between the mechanism and the decision, which represents the sphere of social, cultural and political creation of every forthcoming.
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